Tony’s video conference on July 23, 2020

Tony’s video conference on July 23, 2020

On July 23, 2020 Tonys in collaboration with KORIGINS organized a workshop in Abidjan in the form of a video conference with its partners (cooperatives and exporters). The main objective was to better learn from cooperatives about their mode of operation and to share...
100 Weeks Project: Practical phase

100 Weeks Project: Practical phase

As part of the implementation of the 100 WEEKS project, two field missions were carried out in July 2020. The K’ORIGINS team, made up of its general director Madame Korotoum DOUMBIA, its Programs manager Mr. Jean François OUFFOUET and his project assistant...
Participation in the general assembly of SOCOPACDI

Participation in the general assembly of SOCOPACDI

K’ORIGINS was invited to the Ordinary General Assembly of SOCOOPACDI on Saturday June 6, 2020 in Hermankono Dies. Given the COVID pandemic raging in the country, the AGM was held in a select committee. The highlights of the ceremony were the presentation of the Moral...